Ventnor Well-being Café proving that everyone has someone

The Ventnor Well-Being Café had a fabulous trip out on a glorious sunny Saturday Morning this weekend. Travelling in style on an open top bus they visited the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary to meet and say hello to the donkeys.
The Well-Being Café is a self-help group based at the Green Room at Salisbury Gardens and funded by Ventnor Town Council , helping members regain their confidence and self-esteem again, helping to make friends whilst trying and enjoying new and varied activities. This visit was arranged by the Well-Being Café’s hardworking co-ordinator Terry and was a terrific success which gave an elevated view of Ventnor, and the countryside the group had not experienced before, especially being up alongside the treetops on the journey. Some of the members sat in the lower deck of the bus in the warm and enjoyed the scenic route to the Donkey Sanctuary out of the wind.

The Donkey Sanctuary was indeed a worthwhile visit for the group, taking time to walk out in the sunshine amongst the donkeys. The group had refreshments and enjoyed the pleasant surroundings whilst chatting to each other along the way. Accompanied today by the Deputy Mayor Steph Toogood and Councillor John Watkins who both support the group tremendously.
Indeed so successful was the visit to the Sanctuary the group have adopted a Donkey for the Well-Being Café (Pinky) who will obviously become a fully-fledged member of this fabulous group of like-minded people.
Special thanks must go to John Killick our driver for the day, who amazingly gave up his Saturday to help the group by driving the open top bus, also to the kind owner of the bus who donated its use for the day to the group.
Thanks to the Isle of Wight Donkey Sanctuary for being so accommodating on the groups visit.
And of course Terri, the Well-Being Café co-ordinator who makes all of the things happen so people can experience being part of the bigger picture of life within Ventnor.
The Group are now eagerly planning their next outing together.