Home News Ventnor Bowling Club

Ventnor Bowling Club

Club Finals weekend results from the 9th and 10th September

The club held its Club Finals weekend on 9th & 10th September .

It was a weekend of two halves, Saturday was mega hot and everyone was flagging and Sunday we got drenched in the rain.

Ladies Singles Finals

The Ladies doubles final held everyone’s attention as by the final end it was a draw, so went to an extra end where the winners sneaked in the just 1 point.

Ladies Doubles Finals

Chris who only started playing outdoor bowls April of this year, had a great result and picked up the Novice Cup.

Chris, Novice Cup winner

It was a really close fought match with all concerned and there were some really close calls , which meant lots of measuring needed !

Out comes the measure again !

To find out more about the Ventnor Bowling Club follow this link :

Ventnor Bowling Club
18 September 2023
Last Updated
18 September 2023
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