Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust with Ventnor Town Council invites you
to take part in the Ventnor Wildlife Garden Challenge (free competition)

The aim of this competition is two-fold:
- to encourage Ventnor residents to dedicate at least an area of their
garden to wildlife, and to enhance that area with plantings and some
facilities for wildlife. - to encourage fruit and vegetable growing without the use of
herbicides and pesticides, which can harm whole ecosystems.
Networks of wildlife-friendly gardens can provide corridors for animals to
move through, safe from road traffic, provide safe places to feed and drink,
to nest and raise their young, and to overwinter. With intensive agriculture
in our countryside squeezing wildlife out, gardens have become the last
refuge for many animal species. They rely on the food we provide on our
feeders and the water in our ponds, as well as on the plants we grow, for
their survival.
The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted how important being in natural
environments is to our mental wellbeing. This project brings nature right to
our doorsteps. Those who cannot spend much time in nature reserves can
enjoy watching wildlife from their windows, patio, balcony or lawn.
Ventnor Wildlife Gardens Challenge is a partnership between the
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and Ventnor Town Council.
Entry to the competition is free, and open to all Ventnor residents who are
represented by the town council, including those living in Bonchurch and St
Lawrence.- There are five categories:
1. Most Wildlife-friendly Garden,
2. Most Improved Garden,
3. Most Improved Small Space (for example, courtyard, patio, or balcony),
4. Best Kitchen Garden, and
5 . Young Wildlife Gardener (age 12 and under).
Judging will take place in late September, and prizes will be awarded.
To enter the competition, please email
Or telephone Maggie on 852274
By Friday 16 September 2022
State your name, address and phone number, and which category or
categories you wish to enter.
There are many sources of information available online to help steer people towards more wildlife friendly gardens.
We can particularly recommend the following webpages for inspiration and information:
How to attract wildlife to your garden:
How to grow fruit and vegetables without pesticides:
Ventnor Library has a small collection of books on gardening for wildlife
available on loan.
To enter the challenge please drop an email to Stephen.cockett@ventnortowncouncil.org.uk including your name, address, and the category that you wish to enter.