In response to the cost-of-living crisis Ventnor Town Council has launched the ‘Ventnor Community Support Fund’

Community Support Fund
In response to the cost-of-living crisis Ventnor Town Council has launched the Ventnor Community Support Fund.
Ventnor Town Council’s documentary Family Voice made for us by David George of Utility Films records the experience of residents needing to use our local Foodbank and Baby Box were in interviews voiced by actors.
The ninety residents who attended a viewing of the film at a public meeting in St. Catherine’s Church on 2 October were asked how the town could best respond. Establishing a Ventnor Community Support Fund to support organisations with a strong track record of local work with those with low incomes was one of the suggestions.
These organisations include Ventnor Community Foodbank, Baby Box Isle of Wight, Ventnor Community Pantry and Ventnor Well-being Café. These groups have all worked closely with the Town Council over the last few years and well placed to deliver support if they have the funding to do so.
The Fund can also support further rounds of supermarket vouchers that the Town Council has previously issued to people nominated by the Foodbank, Baby Box and Family Liaison Officers from local schools.
The Fund was launched following a meeting of Island Town and Parish Councils on Thursday 24 November and has already received a £20,000 donation from a resident keen to support the proposal as well as a £5,000 commitment from the Town Council.
As Christmas and the winter months approach, the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and higher bills will increase the hardship within our communities.
The film can be viewed on our YouTube channel with this link:
Donations to the Fund are invited from residents and businesses and can be made by:
- Bank Transfer: to Ventnor Town Council, Sort Code 40-45-09, A/c No. 41366998
- Card: phone 01983 853775 or at our office: Salisbury Gardens, Dudley Road
- Cheque: post or deliver to our office.
Donations can be anonymous, and details of the Fund’s organisation are available on request.
Alison Killick
Acting Town Clerk
Phone: 01983 853775
First meeting of the CSF committee to be held on 13/12/2022, Salisbury Gardens