Calling all businesses and event organisers

Are you a business owner or an event organiser who is running sessions or events on public council-owned beaches or parks?

Did you know that you need to get permission from the council if you want to hold an event in a public park, or on a beach? By not getting the appropriate permission you could be putting your business at risk by invalidating your public liability and indemnity insurance.
Event types can include:
- small community occasion
- fetes
- holding a boot camp or outdoor keep-fit sessions (yoga classes)
- dog agility classes
- football training or games
- larger scale events and is of a commercial nature.
Our commercial services team will work with you to offer advice on the best way forward before the event takes place. This means you can run your events and sessions in the safest way possible; so the earlier you speak with them, the more they can help to make it happen.
Follow this link for more information