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Family Voice

This important local Ventnor documentary gets its first public airing in Ventnor

The documentary film which explores the struggles of local families in Ventnor, who have through no fault of their own found themselves experiencing poverty, many for the first time ever.

This hard hitting film, commissioned by Ventnor Town Council, and made by local professional film and documentary makers Utility Films highlights the real life drama unfolding within our midst here in Ventnor. In a series of very personal interviews with local residents from the town who now find themselves having to use the Ventnor Food Bank, Baby Box and even more recently the Ventnor Food Pantry along with Ventnor Town Council’s food and fuel vouchers scheme to survive, it uncovers the level poverty these residents face in the current climate and the ever more desperate cost of living crisis.

‘ We have to make a decision between food and electricity ’

These people open up with their own views and difficulties being faced just to live day by day, they tell us about the pressures of being caught in the poverty trap, which attributes to the downward spiral of despair cumulating into mental health problems which are now so widespread after the last few years.

‘ Why have I got these children if I can’t give them what they need? ’

Your chance to see this film has been arranged for Monday 3rd of October at St Catherine’s Church, Ventnor from 6.00pm.

Open discussion sessions following the film will be held to explore the hope of producing a range of ideas for responding to the crisis.

23 September 2022
Last Updated
23 September 2022
Published in