Botanic Gardens

Undercliff Drive, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, PO38 1UL
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01983 855397
Ventnor Botanic Garden lies in the remarkable micro-climate at the heart of the famous “”Undercliff””. This unique garden is protected from the cold northerly winds by the chalk downs. Indeed, it holds the warmth from its southerly aspect so well that, combined with the moderating influence of the sea, frost is rarely known. When frost does occur, it is usually of short duration and not great severity. Its climate is more akin to the Mediterranean, enabling a wide variety of plants, considered too tender for much of Mainland Britain, to be grown here. The garden is unrivalled for its collection of sub-tropical plants grown, unprotected, outdoors.
31 January 2022
Last Updated
25 March 2022